A tailored programme developing mindfulness as a foundation for flourishing in your personal and professional life.

A personal trainer for your mind

✔ Healthier habits of mind for well-being, peace and calm

✔ Reduced stress and anxiety

✔ A mindset for performing better at work

✔ Clarity around your personal life goals

✔ Tools you can use for the rest of your life


Choose Coaching for

  • A tailored programme designed to support you in your personal goals

  • More time and attention for deeper reflection on your practice than in a group context

  • Focus on you & your life: applying mindfulness for the most meaningful personal impact

  • Motivation - having a ‘personal trainer’ keeps you focused and helps you stick to the programme

  • An evidence based programme led by a trained instructor


Mindfulness + Personal Coaching

As a credentialed ICF coach and trained mindfulness instructor, I integrate traditional mindfulness teaching with the client-focused support of personal coaching.

Mindfulness provides a foundation for living life consciously - more aware of our habitual behaviour, more clarity and perspective on how we want to live life and the potential for deeper insight into the bigger picture:

What’s important to us, what we value and what represents a meaningful life. This vision becomes a powerful basis for creating change and informs a more authentic coaching process - from setting goals to making choices and decisions, to identifying and responding to life’s ups and downs as well as to your own personal challenges.

Mindful awareness is simultaneously the backdrop and the leading light in making meaningful progress and change, while personal coaching helps guide and direct that process in a supportive, structured and focused way.

“Mindfulness is not about becoming a different person, new person, or a better person. It is about training in awareness and understanding of how and why you think and feel the way you do and getting a healthy sense of perspective in the process. It just so happens that when you do, any changes you want to make in life become that much more feasible.”
— Jon Kabat-Zinn

How It Works

During the free introductory session we will discuss your personal needs and tailor your programme accordingly. A typical coaching programme consists of:

  • 6-8 weekly one-to-one sessions

  • 70 mins per session (90 mins for session 1)

  • Daily home practice (15 mins a day)

The first half of the programme is all about training your mind - developing strong mindfulness skills, rooted in regular practice. Training your muscles of attention develops the capacity for mindful awareness of your own internal experience (thoughts, feelings and emotions) and therefore the ability to step back from them. Seeing your world with more clarity, perspective and calm enables you to choose how to respond to thoughts and begin to break cycles of unhelpful or unhealthy habits. By observing and understanding what the mind is doing you are empowered to take more control of your life. 

The second half develops these skills within a wider perspective - understanding and integrating mindfulness into your daily life - for example, at work, in relationships, in stressful situations etc.

We identify the specific areas of your life which you would like to see change in and work together to set goals and strategic action steps to move towards them.

My personalised coaching approach allows us to make the most of what you learn and tailor the process to support you most effectively; whether it be in terms of targeting your general health and well-being, breathing life into your most important relationships or supporting the focus, energy and calm required to perform at your best at work or in your study.

Every client brings their own set of circumstances to coaching and takes away something uniquely valuable to them.